How to buy my images?
You discovered a picture on my page for which you would like to obtain the rights of use? No problem! My pictures are all digital photographies with at least 6MP resolution - but there are also many pictures up to 36MP! Just write me a request with the required image, the intended use (size, where you want to use it) and you will immediately receive a non-binding offer. In my pricing, I dont't call horrendous sums - I'm glad when people see my pictures. As a basis I use the fee recommendations of the Mittelstandsgemeinschaft Fotomarketing (MFM).
Coulnd't find your dream image?
Even then, a request is worthwhile - because my archive is large. Much bigger than this website could offer. For all motives there are also other perspectives, image formats and so on. Just ask me. If you need something exclusive, we will certainly find the motive that suits your application.